Showing posts with label Java Tutorials. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Java Tutorials. Show all posts

Java in Hindi/Urdu Advance

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Learn Java Programming in Urdu/Hindi. This Tutorial series is made by Sir Vikas Chandra Pandey Which is the most popular teacher on YouTube regarding the Programming Languages. Vikas Pandey made the tutorials on C, C++, Java and other languages in Urdu/Hindi. These video tutorials give the basic and advance concepts of all programming language and every topic is briefly explained. These Tutorials are very helpful for students which want to learn programming online. Learn all topic of Java from basic to advance from below.

Please mention, If you’ve found any issue with Below video links.

01- Introduction to Java

02- Features of Java 

03- Basic Concepts of Object Oriented Programming

04- How to Set Java Path

05- How to Set Path in Java Windows 10

06- Basic Structure of a Java Program

07- Data Types in Java

08- Java Virtual Machine

09- Public static void main(String args[]) in Java Explanation

10- System.out.println in Java Explanation

11- Compiling and Running a Java Program

12- A Simple Java Program

13- Getting Input from User in Java

14- Decision Making and Branching in Java

15- If Statement in Java

16- If Else Statement in Java

17- Nested If statement in Java

18- Else If Ladder in Java

19- Switch Statement in Java

20- Conditional Operator in Java

21- While Statement in Java

22- Do While Statement in Java

23- For Statement in Java

24- Nesting of For Loops in Java

25- Jumps in Loops in Java

26- Labeled Loops in Java

27- Defining Class in Java

28- Creating Objects and Accessing Class Members in Java

29- Program with Multiple Classes in Java

30- Constructors in Java

31- Default Constructor in Java

32- Parameterized Constructor in Java

33- Method Overloading in Java

34- Static Members in Java

35- Static Methods in Java

36- Nesting of Methods in Java

37- Inheritance in Java

38- Single Inheritance in Java

39- Multilevel Inheritance in Java

40- Hierarchical Inheritance in Java

41- Methods Overriding in Java

42- Abstract Methods and Classes in Java

43- Final Variable Methods and Classes in Java

44- Interface in Java

45- Extending & Implementing Interfaces in Java

46- Multiple Inheritance Using Interface in Java

47- Arrays in Java

48- Super Keyword in Java

49- Calling Super Class Constructors Using 'Super' Keyword

50- Introduction to Packages in Java

51- Access Modifiers in Java

52- Creating and Using Packages in Java

53- Creating Package Inside Another Package in Java

54- Example Program for Creating and Using Packages in Java

55- Threads in Java

56- Multithreading in Java

57- Creating Threads in Java

58- Creating Threads by Extending Thread Class in Java

59- Life Cycle of a Thread in Java

60- Exceptions Handling in Java

61- Catching Invalid Command Line Arguments in Java

62- Nested Try Statements in Java

63- Creating Threads by Implementing Runnable Interface

64- Strings in Java

65- String Concatenation in Java

66- Comparing Two Strings using compareTo() Method in Java

67- Sorting Strings Alphabetically using compareTo() Method

68- Comparing Strings using equals() & equalsIgnoreCase()

69- StringBuffer Class in Java with Example

70- CharAt() and setCharAt() in Java

71- Delete() and deleteCharAt() Method in Java

72- Insert() & append() Method in Java

73- Applets in Java

74- Installing and Enabling Java Plugin to Run Java Applets in Browser

75- Configuring Java Control Panel to Run Local Java Applets in Browser

76- Running Java Applet using Web Browser and Applet Viewer

77- Using the Status Window in Java Applet

Fell Free To Contact me if you have any Query.


Learn Java in Urdu/Hindi Basic

learn java, learn java in hindi, learn java in urdu, java programming tutorials. java programming language, java programming tutorials, java tutorials, learn java programming, java tutorialsA Guide to Start Programming in Java:

There are many IDEs (Integrated Development Environment) out there for Java. The one I use is JCreator because it has a very nice interface, uses very little memory and is extremely easy to use. This article will guide you through all the steps needed to start programming in Java.

Download and Install the Java SDK

This is the Java compiler meaning this will enable your computer to compile and run Java programs, compared to the JRE (Java Runtime Environment) which allows you to run Java programs but not compile them. The file is quite large (60 megabytes) so it may take a while to finish downloading; installation is simple, just use all the defaults. The Java directory should be something like C:\Program Files\Java. Where ever you install it, make sure you remember!

Download JCreator

Downloading this may also take a while but it is dail-up friendly. I recommend downloading the most recent version of JCreator; however, some people may require you to use past versions. After you download, install with the default settings. Open up JCreator and go to Configure - Options. On the left, go to JDK Profiles and delete everything you see (if you see any). Click on New and go to the directory you installed the Java SDK. This will link the SDK with JCreator so it can actually start compiling.

Start a New Program

After all of this, you'll be able to start a new program. Don't be intimidated by JCreator's start page. I recommend you not read the tutorials they have; instead, find a step-by-step tutorial on the internet or follow this brief tutorial for the "Hello World" program. To make this, you'll need to create a new File. Go to File-New-File... Now, click on Main Class on the right side, leave everything else as is. Name the file "Hello" or something similar; however, remember the name including any capitalizations.

JCreator will automatically write some of the code needed to run the program. If you prefer a blank file, select Blank File during the instructions. In this case, leave it as it is and type "System.out.println("hello world");" in the brackets after "public static void main(String[] args)". It should look like this:

Now go to Build-Compile File in the menu. Then Build-Execute File. This will compile and execute the code which should display "hello world" at the bottom (or in a command prompt under previous versions of JCreator).
Congratulations, you've made your first program with JCreator!

About The Author

Elizabeth Diane is the creator of, a research based blog covering programming tips, laptop buying guide and laptop caring guide to help people. Want to know more? Follow her on Twitter.

Learn Java in Urdu Hindi. Watch Complete Tutorials and Learn Complete Java Language in Few Days.

Please mention, If you’ve found any issue with Below video links.

01- Setting up Java on your computer

02- First Program

03- More Explanation and Errors

04- Variables and Int datatype

05- Using Variables

06- More on Int and String Variable

07-  Operators

08- More On Operators

09- Boolean and Logical operators

10- More on Logical Operators

11- If Control Statement

12- For Control Statement

13- While Do-While Control Statement

14- Break Command

15- Switch-Case Control Statement

16- Class

17- Methods

18- Method Overloading

19- Command Line Arguments

20- Introduction to Arrays

21- Array and Memory address explanation

22- More on Arrays

23- Constructors

35- Thread

49- Array List

54- Stacks

55- Hashset

58- GUI

60- Applets

Feel Free To Contact me if you have any Query.


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