C# Programming Tutorials In Urdu Intermediate Level

What is C# ?

C# is a multi-purpose, simple, modern, general-purpose, object-oriented programming language that is a suitable for a wide variety of development needs. C# is developed by Microsoft within its .NET initiative led by Anders Hejlsberg.
C# is mostly used to develop Windows Applications. Microsoft Visual Studio which is developed by Microsoft, is the best Environment to Develop Applications for Windows.

C# programming language is very much based on C and C++ programming languages, so if you have some basic understanding of these two languages then it will be fun to learn C#.
These Tutorials take you through various advanced concepts related to C# programming language, because these Tutorials is specially made for Advance level of audience which already knows the working and Syntax of C#.

Learn C# Lecture-Wise Here:

Please mention, If you’ve found any issue with below links.

01- Introduction to Visual C#.

02- Write a simple C# Program.

03- Datatypes and Arithmetic Operators.

04- C# If else statement.

05- Switch Statement.

06- Conditional Operator.

21- How to move Listbox item up and down In Urdu (Video 5).

22- create complex UI layouts using GroupBox control.

23- Adding Validations to Data entry forms.

24- How to mix C# And VB.NET codes in a solution.

25- C#/VB.NET Difference between Build, ReBuild and Clean Commands.

26- how to move to next textbox when user presses "Enter" Key

27- Restricting users to enter specific information in data entry forms.

28- (1/2) C# Printing with PrintPrivewDialog & PrintDocument Controls.

29- (2/2) C# Printing with PrintPrivewDialog & PrintDocument Controls.

30- How to create custom Project and Item Templates.

Next Tutorials Will Be Uploaded Soon.

Location: Pakistan


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